All The Love You Need

The Ancient Hebrew word for love is Ahav. Ahav literally means “I give”. This ancient model of love does not mean “I take from you”, it means “I give to …

What’s Holding You Back?

There’s 2 primary reasons why people don’t change… 1) They don’t know what to do 2) They don’t want to do it It’s hard to admit, but the first one …

Two Sides of the Story

An Owl and a Lawyer were having a discussion… about what is night and what is day. The Owl, made the sound argument that it was clearly day when the …

The Butterfly Effects of Change

Every single thing in this world will transform before your very eyes… how cool is that? Just Awakening to the enormous amount of energy you have inside you. Your whole …

On Being Human

Do you ever wake up on somedays and you feel like an Angel, floating thru your day – everything you touch is gently transformed into love and light… and on …

How Resistance Is Eating You?

Ya ever had Natto? It’s fermented soy beans mixed with a little bit of mustard and a mild soy type sauce – It’s considered a super food in Japan. No? …

Touching A Jaguar!

In the Jungles of the Amazon rain forest… there is an ancient tribe called the Shaur.  Shaur warriors have a ceremony where they cross a bridge, and on the bridge …

Song of the Cicadas

A few weeks ago, I was just walking in the woods on a path and I saw this wing… it was one of the first Cicadas that had emerged from …

Comfort and Privilege

Old patterns of comfort and privilege can be hard to break. Sometimes we have to ask if we’ve succumbed to the ideals that have been ingrained by social and educational …