Touching A Jaguar!

What Fear or Resistance Do You Need to Pass Through?

In the Jungles of the Amazon rain forest… there is an ancient tribe called the Shaur.  Shaur warriors have a ceremony where they cross a bridge, and on the bridge there is a Jaguar.

Now a Jaguar pound for pound is the most powerful cat alive, and is definitely the most feared predator in the Amazon. In this ceremony, to be initiated as a warrior, the Shaur must cross this bridge and touch the Jaguar with his spear and get to the other side. This is often done with the guidance of a Shaman and the aide of some plant medicine.

So let’s use this analogy… You are the young warrior or warrior princess in your story. There is a perception bridge that must be crossed between your current reality and your new reality and to cross that bridge you must be willing to touch the jaguar (fear within). Whatever that may be for you… We have to understand that what we have made “real” must be looked at and passed by or transcended. The anger, the fear, the hurt and depression… the “I’m not enough” or “I’m not good enough”… showing up as RESISTANCE. it can’t be ignored, but instead it needs to be seen clearly as “of no value” or coming to a realization that it is no longer serving us. Your desire, your passion and everything you go through - it’s simply energy. E-motion… Energy in motion.

It is us who makes it into desire or fear or anger or whatever else. This is about moving forward… and acknowledging where you are stuck or resistant, it takes COURAGE to move forward!!

Where is resistance showing up for you? When you make that call? when you say I love you… or speak up for yourself when you’re being mistreated or under-valued?  What happens when you sit down to Write the first line of your novel or a new song, or a business plan?  What lies beyond this resistance that you’re feeling to cross that bridge… what needs to be touched and transcended?


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