On Being Human

What Does it Mean to be A Human Being?

Do you ever wake up on somedays and you feel like an Angel, floating thru your day - everything you touch is gently transformed into love and light…

and on another day you wake up and you feel more like a Lion or a Tigress? On the prowl… stalking your prey, claiming your territory,

Divine nature is fixed… it has certain spiritual attributes, which we can strive to possess. You might say they feel like joy, gratitude, love, bliss, optimism, & trust

Animal nature is fixed… it’s territorial, reactive, might be described as greed, fear or survival based. You might say these are the things we aspire to transcend.

and we vasalcate - that is our nature. to be Human…

Sometimes you feel Divine… Sometimes more of our animal nature comes out. This isn’t good or bad… it’s HUMAN.

this is what it means to be a Human Being - Human is the form you came in (fixed, limited, fragile) and Being is your essence (Infinite, expansive, indestructible)

This isn’t Good vs Evil. it just IS - everything else is just labels.

And we exist or what we call our life exist between these polar opposites… This is the Human conundrum.

This is what it means to be a Human Being.

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